About time I lived up to my blog description and put some "science" up.
There are so many excellent science blogs out there, written by like, actual scientists, that I hesitate to post comments on much of it. But stuff in the lifestyle section - that I can handle!
So... water. How much do you need to drink?
Answer, as of this week: as much or as little as you want!
Photo by polandeze
via Flickr Creative Commons |
Don't you love it when a new study frees you from sticking to some kind of health rule? I sure do. Last week news was made when the British Medical Journal published an article by Scottish GP Dr Margaret McCartney arguing that the common advice to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day was "nonsense". (A good, stern, Scottish-type word, that).
You can read about this, and the "backlash",
here. (The comments on this news article are also good reading, as a summary of the varying beliefs held by most of us on this topic).
Now I LOVE water, and I am a big water drinker. Water has always been my preferred drop and I drink it throughout the day. When I was a kid I dreamed of being able to buy water in shops - really! In Australia in the 70's it was all milkshakes and Coke once you left your front door.
But I don't like blanket prescriptions. As in "8 glasses of water a day". At its height, this belief got ridiculous, with some people recommending up to 4 litres of water a day. Granted, these were not necessarily doctors and scientists, but the general advice for a long time has basically been to drink MUCH more water than you think you want.
Another gem I am waiting to be debunked: "Thirst often masquerades as hunger". I was open minded on this and I have tried to believe it when I am hungry. But seriously, I don't think so.
What about this guy - is he actually hungry?
So what about you?
What everyday health - or other - "facts" have you been happy to see debunked?