
Mar 21, 2012

5 Reasons I Know I'm a Mum

Photo: Il Conte di Luna via Flickr CC

This post is linking up to Kate Takes 5's latest Listography linky. I love the simplicity and speed of lists of 5 things!

So here are my Top 5 Reasons I Know I'm a Mum:

1. My favourite time of the day is early morning when I sit alone with a coffee and NO SOUND other than birds outside. No music. No radio. No TV. No talking. Ahhhh, sweet relief.

2. I leave the house with a bag full of stuff for the kids and forget my own jacket/cardigan/make-up.

3. My tabletop is mysteriously sticky no matter how often I wipe it.

4. My social life centres around the school gate.

5. My emotional state ricochets between bliss, despair, rage, frustration, hope, contentment, fierce blinding love, heart-stopping fear, gratitude, anxiety, giddiness and relief, every day.

If you want to see some other 5 Reasons lists, look here.



  1. Number 3? So true. So very, very true.

    1. I remember before I had kids being appalled at "the stickiness" when visiting friends/family with kids. "The stickiness" was the thing I thought (correctly) I would find a bit hard to deal with as a mum.

  2. Stickiness meant that when Sapphire was a bit over a year old, she imitated me by wiping down the coffee table - that's when I realised that parenthood always means being within a metre of a freshly rinsed, damp chux!

    1. Absolutely! Do you know I get a little bit excited when the Chux have run out and I buy a new packet in a different colour. (I rotate blue, green and yellow)!

  3. I can empathise with all of those, apart from the first. I might have to start getting up earlier!

    1. It's worth it, it really is! though I don't always manage it either ;-)

  4. Number 2! I'm always doing that!
    My kitchen table is also permanently sticky - there are lots of interesting pen squiggles on it too.

    1. Ha! Yes, I have pen marks and the odd paint stain too. I tell myself it looks lovely and rustic!
