
Mar 21, 2012

5 Reasons I Know I Work In Finance

Okay, so I'm into this "five" thing now. I just posted Five Reasons I Know I'm a Mum to link up with Kate Takes 5's latest Listography (here). Here are my thoughts about my other public persona.

Top 5 Reasons I Know I Work in Financial Markets:

1. I know the ASX Operating Rules, ASIC Market Integrity Rules, Corporations Act, Financial Services Regulation, and the Anti-Money-Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Act really, really well

2. I smirk and shake my head cynically when politicians pretend to criticize the Reserve Bank for lifting rates

3. I thought the NAB got it really, badly, stupidly wrong with their ad campaign about divorcing the banks - unlike the rest of the public which deemed it a massive success and worthy of a major advertising award

4. Like most people working in markets I cannot pick stocks for crap, AND I continue to think I can

5. I am appalled at the worst excesses of Wall Street and I empathize with the Occupy movement - but I don't think you can do a whole lot to legislate for fairness or ethics beyond the basics. I know the traders will always be ahead of the regulators, because constant evolution and innovation are part of how markets work.

If you want to see some other 5 Reasons lists, look here.



  1. 2 things I learned wkg on Wall Street for 40 years:
    Traders are arrogant and overpaid. OK make that many Traders.

    When people in elevators start talking about buying stocks and bragging about gains...SELL!!

    Cranky Old Man
