
Dec 10, 2010

Thirty Minutes a Day - Thursday

Okay, I admit it - my thirty minutes a day have not happened the last few days. The first 2 because it was so HOT, the third because we were in the car en route to our holiday and the fourth because, once again, it was HOT. We did do a bit of walking and swimming on these days but nothing that would even add up to 30 minutes, so I'm not counting them.

I'm getting back into it now.

So yesterday's exercise was:
  • thirty-five minutes in the pools at our holiday park, mostly lazing around or playing with the kids, but I did do a few laps - I will count this as five minutes' exercise to keep honest
  • two twenty-minute rather leisurely walks (no other kind when with kids) - one around the Esplanade and one around the Foreshore Walk
Leisurely as it was it must have done something - I retired for the evening pleasantly spent and with that slightly smug satisfaction one feels at the end of a physical day.

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