
Dec 30, 2014


We have a new cat! This is Inky.

We adopted her right before Christmas from the Lost Dogs Home, at North Melbourne. Their cat adoption page is here.  I was surprised how many cats there were, and how many of them are absolutely lovely. No scroungy, mean scratchy cats these - almost all are cuddly and affectionate, which just goes to show you how misunderstood cats tend to be (or how good our timing was maybe).

What's a little sad is how many stray cats there are.  The day we went to get ours, there were three other families there taking home a cat, and more on their way. And yet, a week later the Cat Adoption page is still at 7 pages, filled with half the same and another crop of 'new' homeless kitties. :(

So if you're in Melbourne and you've been looking for a cat, look no further. Here's why you should adopt one from a shelter. And if you're looking for a shelter, the Lost Dogs Home is a good one. The staff there are great with the animals, which get walked/played with and are given plenty of attention, and they educate and assist new owners without lecturing or over-the-top requirements to adopt.

Inky is one year old, female, and very cute. She's curious, confident and playful, and has settled into life in our house quite comfortably. She follows us around, does a very cute jump-rub move against our legs, and sleeps on the kids' beds, seemingly taking turns, though perhaps slightly more often with M. For this I am very thankful. Poor M's heartache over Tia was just gut-wrenching, and had not really abated after three months. A few days before Christmas once the kids were on holiday and I had a week off work, I put aside our plan to adopt in January and we went to the shelter to get our new cat.

Inky was not the prettiest of the bunch. She is extremely thin, and has an odd-shaped head, an uneven coat and weirdly splayed legs. But she's young and friendly and playful and sweet, which is exactly what you want.

Also, as she sleeps with the kids, it's them she wakes up at 6am, and M has been getting up each morning to feed her.  Perfect!

 Harry is not so thrilled. The first day we had Inky was interesting. Both of them lunged at each other on either side of a glass door, each intent on killing the other. When we finally introduced them in the same room there was a brief but terrifying scuffle, growls, howls and spits and then a yelp and a whine and that was the end of the mutual lunging. Within three days they had reached an uneasy truce and now skirt each other warily, mostly keeping out of each other's way.  Friendship is still a good way off, I think.


  1. She looks lovely - can't wait to meet her.

    1. She's a sweetie, come round to meet her whenever you like

  2. She looks truly beautiful. Both of our cats are rescue cats - and I can't imagine life without them.

    1. Ah yes - those lovely beauties at the bottom of your blog. They look beautiful. So many cats and dogs to rescue, (unfortunately) there are always lovely animals to choose from

  3. Jackie was Inky is nice and I hope it is going to be a cheerful cat and very friendly.

  4. A terrific family Christmas present. The two pets will come together when winter arrives, if not before, and you have a radiant heat source for them to share. The Lost Dogs Home is a great organisation and I prefer it to the RSPCA, but both care well for animals in their care.

    1. Hope so! Would be nice to think they might be friends or at least not sworn enemies :)
      I also prefer the Lost Dogs Home to the RSPCA but agree both do good, necessary work.

  5. I'm glad you've adopted Inky, she looks a lovely kitty and will be happy with you for many years.
    it's nice that she wakes the kids at 6am for breakfast. My angel is a year old now and still insisting on breakfast between 2.30am and 3.30am. We occasionally make it to 4am, but then he insists I stay up and have coffee :(

    1. Oh my goodness, those are very early breakfasts! You're very dedicated to have taken on a kitten. They are a lot of work - though worth it with all the love and entertainment. Angel seems like a great cat from what we see on your blog.

  6. Great to hear about Inky! She looks absolutely sweet, and sounds like she has a lovely gentle temperament. Hopefully she'll work her charms on Harry! Happy New Year Jackie x

  7. Congratulations Inky....sounds like you've landed on your feet.
