
Sep 28, 2014

Sunday Selections: Phillip Island

I think it's about time I did another Sunday Selections post. 

Sunday Selections is a weekly meme hosted by River at Drifting Through Life. 

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to River somewhere in your post
3. leave a comment on River's post and visit some of the others who have posted and commented

You may recall my car was written off in an accident about a month ago. Well, two weeks ago, we bought our replacement: a 2010 Honda CR-V. We were on the hunt for a RAV4, but fell in love with this one instead and bought it the day we saw it. We got it at a fair price, which is to say market value.  We're not good at price negotiation, but we bought it from a dealer and I do believe they always sell you at the price they intended anyway. At least these days with online markets and so much information about used car values and shopping out there, the prices are fair.

It comes with a hefty loan of course, but I do love my new car.

So last weekend, Y had a rare full day and night off work and we decided to take the car for a spin to Phillip Island.

We hadn't been there in years, though once upon a time Y and I used to drive down there quite often.

We had lunch at a pizza cafe in Cowes, then drove round to the Nobbies to see the seal centre, and to the penguin area to watch the parade.

You can't take photos of the penguin parade, so I don't have any pictures of that, unfortunately. But there is an app you can download with lots of pictures and information in it, which is very good. There are also some great pictures at the Phillip Island site here

So these photos are all of The Nobbies, looking out over the sea or to Seal Rocks. 

All a bit samey, but lovely anyway.

The kids loved the whole place but especially, of course, the penguins. It is truly fantastic, and quite moving too, to see the little penguins tumble out of the waves, huddle hesitantly at the beach under the soft lights, and then make their (surprisingly fast) waddling trek up the dunes to their burrows.

The best part is walking back up the boardwalks and passing the little penguins on the way. Some of them zoom straight to their burrows, some take their time and seem to enjoy the commune with other penguins on the way. Some sit and stare up at the people staring down at them. A pair we saw obviously had gone the wrong way, or too far, and were waddling back towards the beach, looking around them and making little sounds and conferring with each other as they went, looking just like a couple who has forgotten where they parked their car. 

They were still wandering around, not seemingly distressed and still stopping occasionally to trade low squawks with others heading up from the beach, when we finally left. It's such a treat of a thing to see - you just want to stay there all night.

But evenutally we made our way back to the carpark, and made the trip home, the kids happily snoozing in the back, Y relaxing in the passenger seat, and me enjoying the quiet drive home in the dark, in my awesome new car! (Last time I go on about it, I promise - but I had owned my last car for 9 years).

This Sunday, a less relaxing fate awaits. When Y gets home from work this afternoon, we are stupidly, regretfully, unbelievably... taking the kids to the Royal Melbourne Show. Ugh!


  1. What a beautiful place, and who doesn't love penguins?

    Nice car!

  2. What a beautiful place. And yes, penguins are enchanting. So graceful in the water, less so on land - but charming just the same.
    Yay for a new car. And one that you are happy with too.

    1. It's a magical place - one of the special places.
      And yes, we were lucky to get a car we love, doesn't always happen that way.

  3. The car looks great. I am very familiar with Phillip Island as my mother used to rent a holiday house there every summer. It is a terrific place, especially for kids. The penguins never fail to amuse. It used to be fun clambering over the rocks, but I think that is verboten now.

    1. Strictly verboten - boardwalks only now. On the gallery in the app there's a photo from the 1920s of people lounging on the beach next to the penguins. I'm not sure when they put the boardwalks in but I think they were there when I was a kid.

  4. Beautiful photos!
    I wonder if the older penguin pair were guardians, making sure all the others got in before dark?

    1. Maybe. There was a "guardian" in one little group, who kept squawking and pushing others with his forehead if they slowed down. So cool!

  5. Weird! We've got exactly the same car - a bit older than yours, but even looks the same colour! Great minds and all that! Love our Honda - best car we've had. Gorgeous pictures too Jackie, sounds like a lovely place to visit x

    1. Wow that IS weird! Then again I always did think we probably have a bit in common :)
      (Apart from craft which I'm useless at).
      Glad to hear that about your Honda. Seems to be everyone's experience with these cars.

  6. A new car and a great trip – this was definitely a wonderful experience for all of you. And in my opinion, this serves a double purpose -- as a great bonding moment for your family, and a chance for you to totally forget and move on from the accident you’ve been through. I hope you’ll have more trips like this.

    Rhonda Burgess @ Bob Dunn Hyundai
