
Aug 2, 2014

Words for Wednesday: The Good Shot

'Words for Wednesday' is a writing prompt held by Delores at Under the Porch Light.
Use some or all of the week's words, write a poem or a story or part of a story, and visit Delores' current week's prompt to let her know you've joined in.

This week the prompt words were:







Here is my story:

The Good Shot

Austin was new to shooting, but his marksmanship was improving by the day. Yesterday his performance was stellar; he had stunned his team mates with his accuracy and ruthless cunning. Approaching stealthily, he had blindsided local legend Danny Frank with a shot to the heart that felled him, wide-eyed and silent, in front of shocked on-lookers.

The impression Austin left was indelible. He went home exhausted and triumphant, the power of the weapon and his unexpected skill making him feel slightly crazed, almost dizzy.  But there was still plenty of work to be done. Only an imbecile would relax now, when there was so little time to practice and improve. The Grand National Paint-Ball Championship was less than a week away.

* * * 

So silly - but this was fun anyway.  Thanks for the words, Delores!


  1. I hope it was as much fun to write as it was to read. Thank you.
    I understand that one can get quite spectacular bruises from direct hits in paint ball...

    1. Yes, I think so. Not an activity I've ever wanted to try!

  2. Paint ball sounds like a blast. If I wasn't so crippled up I'd love to try it. Great story.

  3. You hooked me and reeled me in!
    I was starting to worry about Austin until I read paintball.

    1. I was a bit worried it might be in poor taste - but I don't think anyone in this little writing circle will be offended (I hope).
