
Jul 11, 2014

This arrangement is working purrrfectly

We're halfway through winter in Melbourne and most of us in the family are afflicted with a cough-cold-headachey thingy that's been with us a week.  Today I cut myself (and my colleagues) a break and worked from home.

It's Y's day to look after the kids, but he didn't even need to take them out - all three of them spent most of the day in bed. (And Y is the one who is NOT sick....)

So the kids were no hindrance to working.

The dog, bless him, is no hindrance to working.

So that leaves Ms Tia.

Who spent most of the day about this far away from my face:

On such a cold day, even with the heater on, the laptop was clearly the warmest seat in the house. Every time I got up for a coffee I came back to this:

But it was fine. I did get quite a lot of work done, once I accepted the fact I had to work like this:

OK, maybe now it's getting to be a bit much


  1. Awww, she loves you and just wants to help so you can get finished and cuddle her.

    1. Not sure if she loves me or loves the heat given off by my old laptop - but she's a sweetie either way. It's lovely to have the companionship of a cat on the desk and a dog by your feet.

  2. Jackie, your cat is perfecteand inteligent one. I hope you will be healthy and in the good shape shortly. Stay healthy and warm.Greetings from cloudy Europe.

    1. Thank you! She has probably help me get well with her warm furry happy company.

  3. I would love to have a Ms. Tia around (in principle... I do recall how our cats could be quite a stress and nuisance too). Lovely cat though.

    1. She is a sweetie. She's never been much trouble, but we got her as a grown cat, so we didn't have kitten years to deal with.

  4. Sorry to hear you are all 'under the weather' and hope that things start to look up for you soon. What a lovely cat.

  5. It's working perfectly for Tia!

    1. I don't think she would agree, as she had to spend too much time NEXT to the laptop instead of ON it. But it was probably not a bad day for her.

  6. My father said that if you were too hot or too cold you should see where the animals had settled, kick them out, and take it over because it was undoubtedly the best spot in the house.
    Love Miss Tia - and at least she doesn't seem to do limp falls on the keyboard - which produces some interesting things on screen.

    1. True, she doesn't do the limp falls - but she does get up and walk across the keyboard and every time she does it she steps on the wifi button which is annoying.
      Your dad was right!

  7. I know all about Tia and her obsession with the laptop ... she's good at looking after you, as I well know. Hope you're all feeling better soon.

    1. I got up this morning feeling MUCH better. The cat therapy must have worked!
