
Jun 29, 2014

Sunday Selections #178

It's time for Sunday Selections!
Sunday Selections is a weekly meme hosted by River at Drifting Through Life. 

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to River somewhere in your post
3. leave a comment on River's post and visit some of the others who have posted and commented: for example:
    Andrew at High Riser
    Gillie at The View From Here

Here is this week's collection of orphan photos:

Like Elephant's Child this week I have a few sky photos. We've had such beautiful sunrises and sunsets lately.

These ones taken from the park up the end of our street:

My daughter asked me to snap the next one when we spotted it from the supermarket carpark: she wanted to put it on her Instagram.
(Yes, my kids are now on Instagram - a post for another day perhaps)

I'm sorry (not sorry) for foisting on you yet more shots taken from the roof of my work building - but I just love these views

From the sky back to the ground. I love these views at Jells Park:


Before the rain really set in this week, we'd had some lovely winter days with good light - I love the play of light and shade on this tree trunk and these leaves, on our street and at the local park:

Here are a couple of shots of Harry on our walks:

Harry and Tia enjoying a bit of winter sun. Harry was here first and he looked a bit alarmed when Tia jumped up as well, but he stood his ground and they both had a long nap out here together.

How was YOUR week?


  1. Winter with green grass. How wonderful.

    1. I hadn't appreciated that aspect of it - good point.

  2. Jackie, your photos are terrific I love them. My favorite are photos of skyscrapers they remind me London. Your pets are lovely and they get on very well.

    1. Thank you - I love skyscrapers too. My pets get on fairly well but it's pretty rare to see them sharing a bed.

  3. Nice. Jells Park is a great place, but it gets so crowded now, as does Lysterfield Park. We have pretty well given up on them as places for a barbecue, or even eat at a cafe. When we had a gas space heater, our two dogs and two cats would all snuggle up together.

    1. Oh, cute! I can't quite picture Harry and Tia snuggling up together no matter how lovely the heater was.
      True, Jells Park can get pretty crowded. The photo of the path took me a few minutes waiting to get without people coming round the corner.

  4. Wow, wow and wow. I love skies - as you know. And you can post views from the roof at work as often as you like. Love the on the ground shots too. Thanks.

  5. I love the views from your work place roof , do you get up there often? Jells Park looks nice too.
    Love Harry and Tia enjoying the sun lounge together.

    1. Hi River, sorry for late reply, if you happen to check back: yes, I do get up to the roof fairly often - more often than I should as I SHOULD be taking the train into the city instead of driving...
