
Jun 1, 2014

Sunday Selections #174

It's time for Sunday Selections!
Sunday Selections is a weekly meme hosted by River at Drifting Through Life. 

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to River somewhere in your post
3. leave a comment on River's post and visit some of the others who have posted and commented: for example:
    Andrew at High Riser
    Gillie at The View From Here

Here is this week's collection of orphan photos:

Most evenings the kids spend half an hour or so in their rooms before bedtime, and then I come in and read a chapter of a book to them before they go to sleep.  During the reading, both pets come in to whatever room I'm in and settle themselves somewhere cosy. 



After many weeks' dedicated practice, M has mastered the Rainbow Loom, and has learned how to make the more complicated 'charms' via YouTube tutorials:


ice-cream sodas

A prefers writing and drawing. After we all watched the Back to the Future movies together last weekend, she drew a picture of "the future".  As you can see, we will have flying cars and hoverboards, but kids will always play with dolls.

The Future


  1. Looks like we'll have hovering traffic signals as well. What a rich imagination.

    1. Well to be honest she lifted those from the movie I think. But she does have a great imagination and loved drawing this.

  2. Replies
    1. I'd prefer a jetpack, but yes I'll accept a hoverboard

  3. You are a wonderful mum reading books for children it's a wise idea because they have become more and more intelligent and their vocabulary is getting wider and wider.

    1. Thank you! I enjoy it too. I love kids' novels.

  4. Love it. No rainbow bracelets in the drawing I was surprised to see. I wonder what the fad of the day will be when we have flying traffic lights...
    And I too love the nightly reading ritual.

    1. I wonder. Although my dad surprised me when he saw the rainbow loom he said he dimly remembered something like that when he was a kid. Probably brown rubber bands on wooden pegs :)
