
Jun 4, 2014

12 Resolutions: June (and May recap)

This year I'm playing along with #12Resolutions on Twitter and Facebook. The idea is to set yourself short-term, achievable goals, one each month. 

For May I set myself the goal of completing one module in my Project Management Professional accreditation course.  So how did I do?

I failed! I have done some study and completed units within the module, but have not completed the whole module.

Ah well. I will keep studying, but rather than set the same goal for June, I'll try something else.

For June my goal is to save money during the working week, by taking the train to work 3 of 4 days, and bringing a packed lunch at least 3 of 4 days. 

On Wednesdays I still need to drive as I need to pick up the kids from after-school care, and our public transport system will not get me from the city to our suburb in time for 6 pm pick-up.

The other three days I can take the train. I need to get back in that habit. I can't afford to keep driving every day and it's no good for my health either (or the environment).

And packed lunch. Yes, life is busy and I usually just can't be bothered to pack a lunch in the evening when all the chores are done and it's 11pm. But... I could do it when I pack the kids' lunchboxes, couldn't I?

This resolution is the only one I'm not confident in keeping at the start. It may sound like nothing, but I will actually be unwinding six years of habit if I can pull this one off.

The train as I wish it was:

Kicki Holmen/Flickr Creative Commons

The train as it is:

Amir Jina/Flickr Creative Commons


January: walk 5 times a week (done - I now walk daily)
February: write 2 short stories (failed - wrote none!)
March: write 1 short story, and start Project Management course (done)
April: visit GP and complete or schedule the follow-ups (done)

May: complete one module of Project Management course (failed)

June: working day money savers: public transport and packed lunch


  1. You are doing well on your resolutions... (3 successes out of 5 attempts) congratulations.

    1. Yes although if I fail this one my success rate will be looking a bit shabby!
      Thanks :)

  2. MONTHLY resolutions...?! Just making one per YEAR is hard enough! xo

  3. There's something a bit easier about monthly ones, because they're smaller and they have shorter deadlines. This is the first year in my life I have managed to stick to any resolutions! Got to keep them small though, that's the key.

  4. I wish I lived somewhere where I could take the train to work. That would be so cool :)

    1. My sister lives in Sydney and can take a ferry to work. I think I'd prefer that :)

  5. I am sooooo impressed. I am with Kath. I don't do resolutions. And I even cheat on my to do lists and put at least one thing on it that I KNOW I can cross off. (Feed cat, have shower type things.)

    1. Thank you! I'm enjoying these and enjoying the novelty of sticking to (some) resolutions.
      I do that with my to-do lists too, and I put on things I've already done as well. :)

  6. Good resolutions. I'm going well with mine from last month, but I would like to make a couple more. Miss blogging every day.

    1. Thanks :)
      You can blog as often as you like, you know ;)

  7. Hi Jackie,

    You're doing well. I wish I was ....




  8. Good luck with this month's - hard to break old habits, and the packed lunch thing, well I try to do that a few times a week, but need to jazz mine up a bit! You're doing great Jackie - I do make a few resolutions, in my head - don't say them out loud or write them down so I don't feel so bad when they don't happen (which they haven't. So far) Doomed approach really!

    1. Thanks Tracey. That's always been my usual approach to resolutions too. Then I can also pretend I never made them!

  9. Packing your own lunch at the same time you do the kids is a great way of getting into the habit. You could even take your lunch every day so you stay in the habit. think of the dollars you'll save and you'll be setting a good example for your kids.

    1. Exactly. I've already started on the packed lunch, though not the train. This week I've brought my lunch in every day, and it was of course no trouble at all. Pesky things, these dumb habits we convince ourselves we can't break...

  10. I resolve to get back to making daily, weekly and monthly to-do lists. Without a plan I'm pretty much going to sit around in my boxer shorts playing with the dogs... but with a to-do list, I can conquer the world. I really, really needed this reminder for this week.

    Seriously, thank you Jackie!

    1. Oh, great! Glad to help :)
      I'm pretty useless without a list or plan as well - my natural state is lazy.

  11. Suggestion for July's resolution:

    Stop making resolutions (?)
