
May 9, 2014

Words for Wednesday: Riddles

'Words for Wednesday' is a writing prompt held by Delores at Under the Porch Light.
Use some or all of the week's words, write a poem or a story or part of a story, and visit Delores' current week's prompt to let her know you've joined in.

This week we have the option of playing a description game, using a second list of words.

I've decided to do this with riddles.  Can you guess what this week's words are? 
(I'll put the answers in the Comments)

A safer place you will not find
To hide small secret things inside
But if it has a hole don't doubt
Your precious things will all fall out
   What is it?

I used to use this item's light
To help me read my books at night
But now I lie in the dark in bed
And read books on my phone instead
 What is it?

Write upon me what you will
To remember one who you miss still
May the words upon my face
Provide some comfort in their place

What is it?

This may hang upon a wall
It may be big or may be small
What it shows is not quite me
But is the only version I can see

What is it?

From Latin for 'a room' this comes
A thing not blind, but deaf and dumb
Catch an image, store it well
To keep, to print, upload or sell

What is it?

Hold this item in your hand
You won't believe it's made from sand
Do not drop it, or you'll regret:
It will break and you'll get wet

What is it?


  1. 1. a pocket 2. a lamp 3. a headstone 4. a mirror 5. a camera 6. a glass

  2. I avoid this challenge like the plague - congratulations on your take on them. I knew what each of them was, and liked the twists you used.

  3. Wow, it;s great idea to put them. I use the at my school.

  4. Very creative. Nicely done. I believe you are the only one to tackle part two of the challenge.

  5. You've described the items very well. I like the way I pictured them.

  6. This was awesome! And I've been trying to comment on it since last week but I've had trouble with my google sign in. So... hopefully this works.

    1. It worked! Thank you Scott! Sorry I only just saw your comment :)
