
Apr 7, 2014

12 Resolutions: April (and March recap)

This year I'm playing along with #12Resolutions on Twitter and Facebook. The idea is to set yourself short-term, achievable goals, one each month. 

January went very well. I stuck to that resolution and am still doing it: I walk the dog at least once a day and occasionally even twice. The dog is happy, I'm happier, all good. 

February was not so good - I failed.  Typical to New Years' Resolutions, I think start-of-year enthusiasm was enough to carry me through January. But that tends to run out by February, and then actual effort is needed.  Also, the January resolution has been easier to keep up, because (a) it has created a habit, and (b) I am beholden to someone else - my dog, who basically will not let me not do our daily walk.

So how did March go? Well, I did it. I wrote my short story. It is "finished" though still in draft form, and I'm not happy with it. Creation is hard, you guys! Like drawing, which I have also always done and love doing, it's very hard to get the item that's in your head - fuzzy and yet dazzlingly perfect - out of your head and onto the page. Anyway, I did get my story done, and that's a win!

I also did make a start on my course, completing two topics in the first module. 

So now: April.

Bron who is the moderator of our 12Resolutions Facebook group, set her April goal as "visit GP", something she had intended to do for ages but kept putting off.  I realised I had exactly the same problem, so I too set my goal as VISIT THE GP.

I have to admit, there is something to this small goal stuff *.

The same day I posted the resolution, I made my GP appointment, and was there the next evening. I got a referral I needed, made a follow-up booking for my overdue secret-womens-business test, and so already my goal is halfway achieved. So, #winning.

I've now decided to bite the bullet and get a full check-up - blood tests etc. There is nothing especially wrong with me, that losing weight and eating better wouldn't solve. But instead of waiting until I lose that weight (never gonna happen) before I get a full health checkup, I've decided to do it now.

The last one I did was about three years ago, offered through my work. I was (almost) as overweight then and all the bloods came back okay, so I think I have nothing to fear. Except fear itself.

There is so much we tend to put off while needing to lose weight. Meanwhile, years go by!

(Maybe I should set a goal to blog more consistently...)


January: walk 5 times a week (done - I now walk daily)
February: write 2 short stories (failed - wrote none!)
March: write 1 short story, and start Project Management course (done)
April: visit GP and complete or schedule the follow-ups



  1. I applaud your determination.

    1. thanks Delores - baby steps, all of these resolutions are nice and small!

  2. Well done. I need to do something similar.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Probably most of us do - we could always look after ourselves a little better, couldn't we?
      Sorry for reply by "Yanni" (deleted) above - I was logged in to my husband's Google account!

  3. Well done! I need to lose weight and eat better too, my cholesterol is a little high, but I'm not overly concerned since I don't have any other frightening factors like high blood pressure or diabetes. I don't smoke or drink and exercise a bit several times a week. Still, a check up might be a good idea. I'll think about it....

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Well it sounds like you look after yourself pretty well. Cholesterol is hard. My husband's cholesterol goes up very quickly and yet his diet is very healthy. Mine is crap but my cholesterol has always been OK. However, as I get older, I can admit to myself I am now feeling the effects of not being more active and not looking after myself better. It's not too late...
      Sorry for reply by "Yanni" initially - I was logged into my husband's account!

  4. Never give up.Take care. It's my the most important sentence in life.

    1. Thank you Gosia, that's lovely. And very true.

  5. Hi Jackie,

    So when ca we read your story?




    1. Gah, I'm not happy with it yet! I'm scared it's stoopid...
      I want to clean it up and then... we'll see!!
