
Jan 19, 2014

Sunday Selections #155

It's time for Sunday Selections!
Sunday Selections is a weekly meme hosted by River at Drifting Through Life. 

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to River somewhere in your post
3. leave a comment on River's post and visit some of the others who have posted and commented: for example:
    Andrew at High Riser
    Gillie at Random Thoughts From Abroad

This week I have no theme; these are some recent photos I like.

What else to do during last week's record heatwave, than to head to the beach every evening at 8pm?  Heaven.

The week before last we went as a family to see The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. The kids loved the adventure of going to a grown-up movie with Mum and Dad, and coming home at midnight. Here they are skipping happily through the carpark after the movie.

From one extreme to the other: last week I took them to The Cat In The Hat (play) at the Arts Centre. It was very well done, but too young for the girls. I knew it would be but it was fairly cheap and I thought they'd still like it. Their verdict was pretty much "meh" - but they loved the free show on outside (The Chipolatas), which were excellent.   

An unknown rapt audience member

Back home:
We've been in this house 9 years, and I had never noticed till now how the back of my beautiful kitchen window looks. Huh.

You learn something new every day.

Lastly, some more tiny flowers (one a weed but it's still a flower).


  1. Great beach photos and yes, your kitchen window reflection does look good. You could spend a lot of time watching free performances and buskers in Melbourne.

    1. The beach was so good on those nights. Amazing sunsets too.
      Our window is very nice from the inside, but I never realized the wooden dividers had been glued onto the window with squiggly black glue! Not sure how I never noticed this looking at it now.
      Free shows/buskers etc - yes. We don't do this nearly enough.

  2. Love the beach scenes. It must have been bliss after the dreadful weather you had been enduring.

    1. It definitely was - paradise, especially the first night. I was kind of over it by night three though, I'll admit!

  3. Photos of sun on a chilly Ontario day...thanks for that.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. For the same reason I enjoyed Elephant's Child's Antartica pictures during our heat wave!

  4. I used to love being at the beach late in the evenings. Now it's too far away, by the time I got there I would have to come straight home again.
    I've seen those Chipolatas on TV, they're pretty good.
    The antarctic pictures weren't mine, they're Elephant's Child's.

    1. Oh dear so they are - sorry, I will correct that.
