
Nov 24, 2013

Sunday Selections #147

I'm back.
And.. it's time for Sunday Selections!
Sunday Selections is a weekly meme hosted by River at Drifting Through Life. It's a way to showcase some of the photos we take, but don't get shown on our blogs. 

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to River somewhere in your post
3. leave a comment on River's post and visit some of the others who have posted and commented: for example:
    Andrew at High Riser
    Gillie at Random Thoughts From Abroad

To get myself back into the groove, I'm taking things easy this week by picking a selection of photos from my library.

These pictures were taken from the rooftop carpark where I park in the city.

This is an accidental selfie, in honour of selfie being announced word of the year this week:

Here is my daughter M's first attempt at 3-D shapes: not bad, I thought:

This is my favourite cartoon on financial markets, which appeared in The Age a few months back. Nails it.

Summer fruit

Some sky shots: sun beams, and the sun making a gilded border on the edges of clouds:

What my sideboard looks like through the week, until I clear it away on weekends.
It doesn't always have a vase of flowers on it though.

Share your photos - what are your Sunday Selections this week?


  1. Sky shots are my favourite.

    1. I can never resist them - but they are always disappointing, they never capture the real thing!

  2. The blue sky photo is brilliant.

    Does my lack of maturity show because I still draw 3-d boxes?

  3. Love, love, love those sunbeams. And your sideboard is all too familiar.
    Welcome back - I hope you are sufficiently rested.

    1. Thanks EC - yes, feeling more rested now thanks. Blog breaks are needed sometimes.

  4. I love these, thank you so much.
    "a selection of photos from my library"...this is actually the original idea behind Sunday Selections, thought up by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, to find photos in your files that had never seen the light of day and feature them. I still look through my old files, but can't remember what I've shown and what I haven't, so now I mostly use new stuff or photos that are recent.
    Welcome back.

    1. Thanks River! It does actually feel good to use some of these old photos, which I am unlikely ever to print or use anywhere else. Expect more next week!
