
Oct 29, 2013

The Big Book Clean Out

I have always loved books, and I have always owned heaps of them. Until recently, I had four bookcases, each full, plus piles of books on my bedside table, floors and on top of one of the bookcases.  But this year I wanted to de-clutter a little, and I decided there was no sense keeping all of these books.

It wasn't easy to cull, because I had already been culling my books regularly. I only keep the ones I really like, you see - I had already given away a lot of other books over the years.

However, I did it. I got rid of most of the piles, and an entire bookcase. The lounge is a little less cluttered, and I turned my small bookcase into a case of shared books for the kids: classics, new books, books for kids, books for tweens and young adults. They have their own bookcases in their rooms, but this is like an extra library that they can dip into anytime they like.

I replaced some grand old books I'd had lying around, into their rightful place on the bookcases. I even had room for photo albums and a couple of boxes on the bottom shelf of my main bookcase.

Here's a scene from mid-way through the process, while I sorted books to keep from books to give away:

The kids' bookshelf starts to take shape:

At the end of it, I was reduced to 3 single-layer stacked bookcases, and one modest pile on the bedside table.  I filled 4 green bags and a plastic tub with books I know I don't need to keep.

And what did I do with all of those books?

They're still sitting in their tub and green bags in the garage. It's been four months now.

Do you cull books? Is it hard?


  1. Yup, I cull books. Not often enough, and not hard enough. There are many, many books here.

    And I have several boxes waiting for me to ring Lifeline and ask them to come and collect them. And have put off the call because I need to cull a whole lot more.

    1. Yes - I'm also aware I still need to cull more.

  2. I am pretty ruthless with books now. We have two tall bookcases but only about 2/3 of the shelves have books. There is not many there that I would throw away.

  3. I'm ruthless with books. On average I read two books a week - I pass them on straight away (to friends - we have a 'no need to return' policy - add your name to the list in the front and keep passing it on), some I send to the op-shop. Having a Kindle has made it easier - they take no space!

    The books I find the hardest to part with are kids books! Very difficult to know which ones to hand on - they all seem like 'favourites'!

    1. Yes I hear you about the kids' books. I also have a Kindle and anything new is a Kindle book. My old books go to op shops too.

  4. I hung on to all our books for years, and then when we started moving around with the army it just got ridiculous. In fact those moves did wonders for house decluttering. Sounds like you've done a pretty impressive culling/organising job. Could do with bringing some order to our book shelves! x

    1. I think I need a big move too - would force a HUGE cleanup all round!

  5. I find it extremely hard to cull books, but it had to be done. I used to have four bookcases, now I have one and a half. The half is because to of the shelves are full of stuff that isn't books. I still have books that don't fit in them because I've added some since I moved here. culling is easier on my kindle, I delete each book as soon as I've read it.

    1. oh my goodness, I haven't deleted anything from my Kindle. Just archived. I'll have to cull there next!

  6. I keep very few books now, preferring to accumulate them on my Kindle. It's a small house after all. Does your local hospital have a library for patients to borrow from? I'll bet they would appreciate a donation of books.

    1. Hospitals - good idea. I generally give them to the op shop. I also love my Kindle and all new books are Kindle purchases, but sometimes I find myself wishing I had the ones I love in paper form. Old habits...

  7. Hi Jackie,

    Mrs PM attempts to cull my books for me - and she has succeeded much to my dismay.

    I would never throw a book away if it were up to me; we have a loft full of space - so why not use it?

    Anyway, now that question is irrelevant - I have a Kindle and my books will be safe from now on.



