
Sep 9, 2013

Sunday Selections #136

This is a weekly meme started by Kim of FrogPondsRock but now hosted by River at Drifting Through Life.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to River somewhere in your post
3. leave a comment on River's post and visit some of the others who have posted and commented

Last week, I moved desks at work, which is part of a good thing because the company is growing and my area is expanding its square footage in the office. 

The bad thing is I lost my lovely (and lucky) window seat, and also the company of the rest of the group. My boss and I (and soon a third) have moved into an adjoining room to make way for new starters. Where I used to sit I was sometimes distracted by the noise, but I also enjoyed the easy and constant conversation. I am now in a very quiet room without distractions, but it is a wee bit lonesome - and I am also facing a wall. 

I miss my window seat.

I took these photos before I moved.


  1. I would miss your window - and its spectacular views as well. Could you print a copy of one of these photos and put it up? And change it with the seasons - or your mood? Today the city, tomorrow the moon?

  2. It is very unfortunate to lose such a view. What a train spotters delight.

    1. I know! Though it is actually much nicer than it looks here, looking over the train tracks - all that sky. (Sob!)

  3. Ah, Elephant's Child has the same idea as me. A wall of changing photos to suit the seasons. Start with the ones above, and keep photographing the same area as the seasons progress. Get a photo of a completely different place too, somewhere you'd love to be on holiday perhaps. A mountain retreat, a sandy beach in Jamaica, skiing in Switzerland. Photos to dream over. Anything is better than a blank wall.

    1. I already have a couple of photos of Greece up there, which I glance at. I don't really mind the wall too much because I'm mostly just working away on my screens - but I won't lie, the window seat was fantastic.

  4. Sorry you've lost your view Jackie - so much to see out there! Hope it's being properly appreciated by the new holder of the window seat x

    1. It hasn't been allocated yet - four pairs of eyes are watching it daily!
