
Jul 4, 2013

Pictures From Thessaly, Greece

A year ago we were in Greece, having the BEST family holiday.
I am still to make up photo books to send our relatives there, so I'm organising my photos now to get that done.

Meanwhile, in the midst of winter here in Australia, here is a little bit of remembered summer from Thessaly, central Greece.

Elassona, Olymbos

Drymos Elassona - Y's village, and family home

My mother in law's front porch where we sat and drank coffee and whiled away the mornings and late afternoons

View across neighbor Marianthi's house to Olympus

The back garden 

Approaching Drymos from Elassona

views from the road to the village

approaching Drymos

My mother in law's front yard and sister in law Vicki's beloved cats

The family's old sheep run, where we collected pears from a tree. Unfortunately, they were awful.

Drymos is from an old word for "oak forest" and has about 750 residents. It is known for agriculture and goat herding and the festival of the prophet Elijah on July 20 - which, thanks to my broken arm delaying our flights home, we got to stay for last year.

Afissos, Pelion

Afissos is near Volos in the Pelion region. Y's friend has a restaurant there - Selini - which is featured here in the photos of blue check tablecloths and the first photo below.

Selini restaurant

For some unknown reason I didn't get any photos of Mt Pelion itself, or the beautiful mountaintop village of Tsagarada which has a spring with the purest and most delicious water I have ever had anywhere, in the world.  But you can see and read a bit about them here.

Leptokarya, Pieria

 From Y's village we drove up and over Mt Olympus...

... with a stop at the mysterious "magnetic" area that appears to make water and cars in neutral run uphill (but which may just be an optical illusion)...

...and into Leptokarya, which is a beach resort which doesn't look like much at first glance but is a gateway to other beautiful beaches and a different side to Greece than I had seen before.

It also has a summer carnival, which was fun for the kids.

Pantelimona, Pieria

The spot I immediately wished we'd stayed in instead of Leptokarya. Tiny, very very quiet, and beautiful.

Scotinos and Platamonas, Pieria

Beautiful, vast quiet beaches and lovely scrubby nettly roads all around.

Until next time, glorious Greece... Filakia! (kisses)


  1. What amazing photos - thanks for sharing. Haven't been to Greece.

    1. Thanks Jacana. It is lovely there (for a holiday, that is!)
