
Sep 20, 2012

Listography: Top 5 Truths According to Women

Listography time. This month's is an interesting topic - what are your Top 5 Truths? What have we learned as women of a certain age?

Here are mine:

1. There is no such thing as work life balance, unless you are very rich or very lucky. There is just life, and you have to try and make yours work for you. We all have our trials and crosses to bear; we all have times of bounty and times of crisis, and we all struggle to make it all work. Find your way, know that it won't be perfect, manage stress, depression and difficulties as best you can, and enjoy the good bits. For that is all you can do.

2. The Internet is a major time-suck and must be managed. There is so much cool stuff out there, and so much to read - you will never read it all so do not try. And once you start participating in it - blogs, Tumblrs, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, parenting forums, LinkedIn, Google Plus, StumbleUpon, meme generators, linkys, news article commenting, education platforms.... aaaaaarghhh, you can get lost in it. Limit your internet time to a small window each day. (Note to self: why don't you try doing this yourself before you preach it to others?)

3. Kids will always demand more of mum their primary carer. It doesn't matter if you both work; it doesn't matter if it's unfair; it doesn't matter if you're tired - it's just the way it is. Most often you will feel glad and smug about it; sometimes you will feel annoyed or overwhelmed by it. Doesn't change it either way.

4. Women's Weekly cakes you make will never look as good as the ones in the book. But your kids will love them anyway.

5. You don't need a lot of clothes, shoes, bags or make-up - just ones that you really like. When you go shopping for clothes, shoes, bags or make-up, you are really trying to purchase a new, invigorated, different or younger you. Good purchases are few and far between, so don't buy too much.

Linking up with Kate Takes 5 for Listography.
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  1. I like your last truth's true! Great list.

  2. Wisen words, especially number 5.

    1. Thank you. Wish I'd known some of these things earlier :)

  3. Women's weekly cakes! You are so right! Didn't stop me spending 9 hours making a carousel though!

    1. Oh no - my daughter wants the carousel this year!! Dammit I KNEW that one would be hard...!

  4. So wise and so true. I feel very relived after reading number 1. While I knew we all (or most of us) have the same problem, there was incredible pressure to find a solution. So pleased to know that there is no solution, at least for the next 18 years.

  5. Replies
    1. I know right - relief was exactly what I felt when I decided this. It's made things much easier for me since then, just knowing this, I think!

  6. Words to live by! (The cake rule was really cute, also very true! My son wants to make a chocolate cake for everybody's birthday, but I'm no Susie Homemaker, and a terrible baker... so I tell him we are going to make a chocolate brownie cake... which means we make brownies from a box. It's easy, it's cheaper, it's yummy--too yummy--and he doesn't know the difference!)

    1. Absolutely - and yummier than these shape cakes which look fun but generally taste pretty awful as they're made from packet cakes and lots of sugary toppings.

  7. BRILLIANT list! So much truth in them all. Need to work on limiting internet time. It's ok at the moment, but OH back soonish! What's a sensible daily dose do you think?

    You've set the bar pretty high with that cake. Never mind what's in it - looks amazing! x

    1. I think a SENSIBLE daily dose would be half an hour. Maybe an hour? But I haven't managed it yet!
