
May 1, 2012

My First Award

Last week I was utterly chuffed and honoured to have been given a Liebster Award by the wonderful Dr Bron from The Modern Family.

The Liebster Blog Award is an award given to bloggers with less than 200 followers who are an inspiration to others.

This was very pleasing to me for two reasons: (1) someone likes my blog! and (2) OMG that person is Dr Bron! I love The Modern Family which mixes research in family psychology with funny personal posts and bloggy community goodness. Dr Bron wrote an excellent piece about the difficulties faced by at-home mums and employed mums here - this piece was, and still is, very inspiring to me.

The rules of the Liebster Award are:

1. Copy and Paste the award on your blog
2. Link back to the blogger who gave you the award
3. Pick your five favourite bloggers with under 200 followers who deserve to be recognised and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have received the award
4. Hope the five chosen bloggers will continue to spread the blog award love (but no pressure).

So here are my five:

Kath from Blurb From The Burbs. So many people read and love this blog that I am surprised it still qualifies for this award! Kath writes personal and family stuff with a difference - funny and profound, illustrated with her own lovely/funny photos, her posts usually have me snorting with laughter or smiling wryly in recognition, like a crazy lady at my computer. And they always make me think.

Pandora from Princess Pandora - Queen of Denial. Okay, honesty time, Pandora is a friend of mine - but I do find her blog inspiring. She writes stories of personal journeys and contemplation, lovely gems from her travels, and assorted funny bits like this one.

Single Married Mum. I can so relate to this blog, as a mother often parenting solo while husband is working. Okay, my husband is not overseas for long stretches, so I guess I am pushing it - but I still relate. Wonderful reading about someone else's views on things I can recognise, all with a positive and optimistic slant.

Meggsie from AMFYOYO. Not only is Meggsie very funny, and writes about a world I know very well (family life and corporate life), but she is a beautiful writer who deserves much wider readership. I found her blog through Twitter and I love it.

Melissa from From Boardrooms to Babies. Melissa has swapped a high-falutin' fashion career for parenting at home, and writes about the transition and about family life in general. Her posts are thoughtful and inspiring. She is also building a lovely little community over there, so go and join in!

Now I know not everyone wants to participate in these things, so to all above I say, sincerely: 
no pressure! 
You are free to pass on an award OR to bask in the glow of this one and do nothing!

Thanks for inspiring me.



  1. Thanks so much Jackie! I'm humbled and honoured that you think of me that way!
    I can't wait to check out the other four inspirational bloggers and I'll be sure to pass on the award love!

  2. Wow! Thank you Jackie - you've absolutely made my day - I am truly touched. I have been given a LA before, but can't imagine it's against the rules to pass it on again? Surely spreading a bit more virtual love can only be a good thing! So once I've had a read of the other blogs here, I'm going to get thinking...
